Arthritis is an Electrical Problem

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Osteo-Arthritis is often defined as a degenerative joint disease characterized by “out of control inflammation, chronic pain and decreased mobility.”

In this blog I am going to outline what I think is happening with osteoarthrosis; that it is predominately an electrical problem. A foundational knowledge of h3o2 structured water and the function of sulfate is key to understanding this. For more on those two topics, please see my other blogs here: h3o2 and sulfate.

Structured water is water that is ordered into layers of connected hexagons in a lattice formation. In regular water, h2o, the molecules are random and chaotic, in structured water, h3o2, the molecules take on a certain structure which behaves like a liquid crystal. This new phase of water has many special properties, one of which is that it is negatively charged. Sulfate comes into the picture here as sulfate, the active form of the mineral sulfur, provides negative charge to the body – as do other things I will touch on later. I also think a lot of the inflammation is the body’s attempt to do two things; one is to produce pain to inform you that something is wrong. Two, inflammation can create sulfate! Most of the supplements and “anti-inflammatory” diets or foods that are typically good for arthritis are reducing the need for the inflammation because they are providing sulfate, like glucosamine-SULFATE or chondroitin-SULFATE. Or they help the metabolism of sulfur into sulfate or help transport sulfate around the body like turmeric (great turmeric supplement here – I can hook you up with a wholesale price, email if interested). 

This negatively charged water is thicker than normal water, it’s more of a gel, like Jell-O actually. This gel water coats the ends of our bones to supply hydro-static pressure to keep the bones apart as the negative ions pressed against negative ions repel each other. Like trying to press two magnets together. If you don’t have enough electricity in your body, you will not have enough negative charge to create the structured water, this gel around the ends of the bones and within joints, that helps keep an appropriate space between the bones. When you don’t have enough space between the bones they start to touch and rub against each other, this wears down the protective tissues like meniscus or cartilage and if it goes on long enough you wear down to the bone. Bone on bone is painful!

Hydration, posture, biomechanics and digestion also play a role in developing (or treating) arthritis. The joints are self lubricating and release synovial fluid into the joint space to help grease the area when the joint is moved through it’s full range of motion. That is why arthritic joints feel better after movement (and why they are worst after rest – the synovial fluid isn’t there when at rest). Synovial fluid is mostly water so it is important to be well hydrated with good quality, clean, mineralized and ideally structured water. We can also hydrate by eating fresh, raw fruits and veggies and things like coconut water and chia seeds. Grounding, sunlight on the skin and eyes (don’t look directly at the sun), red light panels, infra-red saunas, exercise, body work, taping, shaking, dancing, humming, singing, tuning forks, sound therapy and certain supplements like NADH Arthros (get yours here) and Methylene Blue are other ways to hydrate the body. They either provide or create negative charge in the body, help move this charge and fluids or they help the mitochondria produce structured water in the cells – structured water needs negative charge to be created and once it’s made it IS negatively charged. *do your own research with MB and only use pharmaceutical grade that has been tested to be free of contaminates.

Poor posture and poor bio-mechanics (often from poor posture, a weak core, injuries, surgeries scar tissues, or incomplete infant development) leads to joints that cannot maintain an instantaneous axis of rotation. Meaning the joints are not aligned properly and do not keep alignment when moved. This leads to uneven pressure and wear & tear on certain parts of the joint. Over time this micro-trauma can wear right down to the bone, leading to arthritic pain.

As a CHEK Practitioner, I help people heal faster than they injure and help to reduce chronic micro trauma to the tissues. I do this through comprehensive physical assessments of your posture and bio-mechanics as well as in-depth health and lifestyle assessments to determine your overall physiological load – basically how stressed your body-mind-spirit is and where that stress is stemming from (and where the symptoms are appearing). Based on these assessments I create a corrective exercise plan to correct any postural faults and improve body mechanics to reduce the wear and tear on the joints and others tissues. I also create a holistic lifestyle program designed to address your specific root cause problems. Which could be your digestion for example. If you cannot convert sulfur into sulfate, your electrical body will suffer and you won’t have enough negative charge to do all the things your body needs to do with this negative charge. One of which is to provide the hydro-static charge in the joints that allows good flow in the joint capsule and prevents the micro-trauma that leads to arthritis (another important one is to move the blood – the heart is not the main driver of blood flow! Stay tuned for a blog on this).

If you would like to learn more, I offer one on one coaching in person or online. From comprehensive VIP mentorships to assessments with DIY programs. I also have an online workshop, A Natural Approach to Arthritis where I go a bit deeper into the topics outlined above with a PDF of solutions for you to apply in your life to treat or prevent osteoarthritis. This workshop will run live on Zoom, Thursday August 17th at 12:00pm EST. Click here to register.

As always, I appreciate your thoughts, feel free to leave a comment or share with a friend.

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