What is Structured Water?

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Medical disclaimer: the following blog is for informational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat any medical condition


Well, it’s what you’re made of!

We are 99% water by molecules and most of this water is in this “structured” state.

This is one of the coolest things I’ve learned! That there are FOUR phases of water, not only liquid, solid and gas/vapor!


The 4th phase of water is also called h3o2 water, EZ water, exclusion zone water, structured water, a liquid crystalline matrix, coherent water, biological or gel water.

This is the water that gives us structure. We aren’t made of stone, nor are we a bag of water, we are more akin to a super duper complex Jell-O mold 😉 It fills our fascia, it allows our blood and lymph fluid to move (the heart is not a pump…stay tuned for that blog!), it cushions us from impacts, it is needed for every biochemical reaction in the cell, it is what drives our muscle contractions and nerve impulses, it is what dictates what genes are expressed, it may even be what gives rise to the DNA double helix shape – the DNA itself is a chemical and chemicals, like sand, don’t inherently have a shape, but when you add the right amount of water you can make many different shapes!

This water is often called EZ water because Gerald Pollack, author of “The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor” found that when it touches a hydrophilic, water loving surface, it creates an Exclusion Zone. This exclusion zone excludes all things except electrons and deuterium. It pushes everything else, including protons out of the area. Then this creates a battery of electric potential as the hydrophilic surface is lined with negative charge and the area beside it is now full of positively charged protons. This is why I believe focusing on this EZ is the best way for us to cultivate energy, longevity and encourage our natural healing ability.

It’s the state of your “WATER BODY” that matters most. Unhealthy, unstructured, energy deficient, nutrient depleted, toxin filled water leads to dis-ease. Energized, mineralized, coherent, hydrated cells and tissues that are free from toxins = healthy tissues. This was the focus of my “Quantum Leap Your Energy” webinar which you can purchase here (includes a 60min presentation, a PDF download and a 30 minute guided breathwork and meditation session!). It’s all about how to improve your water body and mitochondria to produce more energy so you can FEEL BETTER and not rely on stimulants and drugs – no judgements if that’s your current situation. If it works for you great! But if not, or you’re looking for another approach, there are many options available to you that don’t rob Peter to pay Paul 😉

This liquid crystalline h3o2 water is shaped differently than normal h2o AKA bulk water, which is why it’s sometimes referred to as “structured water.” It has a layered hexagonal lattice type structure that is responsible for maintaining the form and therefore function of the cell. It’s literally like a liquid crystal which is how it has infinite capacity for memory and information. Even more than the quartz based crystal in your computer (super computers of the future will be run on water BTW…).

Photo credit: “The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor” by Gerald Pollack

Form gives rise to function. Energy gives rise to form.

Lose this structure, lose this charge and dis-ease will ensue.

For example, in Dr Tom Cowan’s book Cancer and the New Biology of Water he states that cancer or tumors happen when our cells lose their electrical charge and cannot maintain their Exclusion Zone and thus can’t stay apart.  Healthy cells have this layer of EZ around them like a halo of negative charge, this charge keeps them from clumping. Lose this charge due to deficient sulfate levels thanks to glyphosate (RoundUp), or heavy metals, negative beliefs/feelings, non-native EMFs like wi-fi or 5G and they start to clump together and become hard ie unstructured, uncharged and dehydrated. Dr Greg Nigh, a naturopathic doctor who specializes in cancer believes many cancers are adaptations to low sulfate levels. See more here and in the resources listed below and in my blog on sulfate. 

  Who/what controls your water controls your genes…which controls your life experience 🤔

Whomever or whatever changes the 4th phase water in your cells, changes your genetic expression. So if you’re after optimal health or healing from dis-ease, know what hurts and helps this h3o2 water 👌

Keep this in mind when people shrug things off or blame “bad genes” or “bad luck.” That’s a very disempowering way to live, one that many BIG industries want us to believe in…

You have WAY more power over your genes, your health, your dis-ease than programmed victim consciousness would have you believe.

What hurts our h3o2 water body:

💧Glyphosate from the herbicide RoundUp (found in most of our food supply – choose organic!)
💧Fluoride and chlorine
💧Non native EMFs like wi-fi, bluetooth, 5G, microwaves (don’t microwave your food!)
💧Toxic chemicals: BPA, parabans, phthalates, micro-plastics, fragrance, parfum and many more
💧Heavy metals like mercury and aluminum
💧Pharmaceutical drugs
💧Abuse/trauma of any kind, from others or self inflicted
💧Sedentary behavior
💧Negative self talk
💧Victim consciousness

What strengthens our h3o2 water body:

💧Sunlight exposure on your skin and eyes (especially sunrise and the first 2 hours of the day)
💧Infrared saunas
💧Red light therapy (aka photobiomodulation)
💧Earthing or grounding DAILY 3min minimum, 45min for serious healing (watch a documentary here)
💧Drink, clean, natural spring water www.findaspring.com or clean, filtered but mineralized water (bonus if structured – see devices below)
💧Eat your gel water – fresh in season fruits/veggies, chia seeds, coconut, turmeric, holy basil, aloe and baobab fruit! Read this book “Quench” for more info
💧Detox – get your bowels moving daily; sweat daily, move and breathe to move lymph fluids – “the big 6” lymphatic love routine helps A LOT with this – free download here
💧Turn off the wifi at night and keep your phone away from your body and on airplane mode as much as possible
💧Move often, move well – I design exercise programs and offer one on one training, apply here for a consult
💧Lift weights, walk, dance, foam roll, shake, practice Tai Chi or Qi Gong
💧Dry brush your skin and rebound to help the lymphatic movement
💧Laugh daily and love fully!

Knowledge is key my friends.
Keep learning.
And don’t forget to APPLY said knowledge 😉
That’s where the real wisdom is 🙌

Thanks for reading 🙏 share your thoughts below in the comments section!


Additional resources

Note: you can support my work by sharing this blog with a friend, dropping a tip into my PayPal account or by using the affiliate links in my blog above (or those listed below) to purchase any of these products. I LOVE to share valuable educational resources so I’ve compiled a list of podcasts, presentations etc so you can learn more information on each topic if you are so inclined:

Water Structuring Devices

Structured Water in Nature



Structured Water

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