Sulfate Deficiency: A Hidden Epidemic

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Medical disclaimer: the following blog is for informational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat any medical condition

Firstly, why should you care about a random mineral (sulfur) no one ever talks about? Well, what if I told you MOST of today’s common ailments that are growing at an exponential rate could be and are likely due to a sulfate deficiency? Like:

  • Cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Autism
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Chronic pain
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Arthritis
  • Interstitial cystitis
  • Chronic bladder infections
  • Oxalate issues – kidney stones, sensitive to foods high in oxalates
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic fatigue
  • High cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • SIBO
  • Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
  • Allergies
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Gout
  • Seizures
  • Asthma
  • Candida
  • Heart palpations
  • Brain fog
  • Hot flashes
  • Acne, psoriasis, eczema
  • Anemia
  • IBS, IBD, Chron’s, colitis
  • To name a few (yes, I’m serious)

I know what you are thinking, how could one mineral be responsible for so many processes in the body!? The key to fully understanding this is to understand structured water, h3o2 water.  A different phase of water that is not liquid, solid or gas, more like a Jell-o like consistency. I will get into this in more depth in a future blog (also see a few resources listed below). For now, just know that the mineral sulfur is required to create and maintain this h3o2 water.

To sum up the most essential roles sulfate plays in our physiology:

  • Sulfate is needed for phase 2 detoxification, without this our liver can’t work properly and we cannot detox properly (toxicity is one of the leading causes of disease)
  • Sulfate is a necessary part of our immune system
  • Sulfate is needed to create essential proteins in the blood
  • Sulfate is needed to activate certain molecules like vitamin D and it is needed to transport certain molecules like cholesterol, vitamin D and other hormones and neurotransmitters
  • Sulfate is needed to create structured h3o2 water throughout our body. Without this structured water our cells and therefore organs, tissues and glands cannot communicate, they cannot stay hydrated, they cannot get nutrients in and waste products out of the cell, they cannot heal and repair and our blood and lymph cannot flow well

There are many reasons, but by far the biggest is GLYPHOSATE. The active chemical in herbicides like RoundUp. Believe it or not, this herbicide is sprayed ON OUR FOOD and has been in increasing amounts for the past 30 years. And because it is water soluble, it is pervasive in our environment. It is in our water ways, lakes, rivers, oceans and rain water. I will be writing blogs about this chemical as it has been a topic I’ve been researching for years and still not many people are aware of the harms it is causing (including “Health” Canada…).

"Glyphosate: Cancer and other health concerns" by Carey Gillam

Glyphosate is a mineral chelator, it binds to them. It was first used as such to clean industrial pipes of mineral deposits. Then they discovered by accident it kills all plants and repurposed it into an herbicide. It strongly binds to many of our essential minerals like sulfur, cobalt, zinc, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, iron and copper. Because of this, glyphosate is depleting our soils of these minerals. We are only as healthy as our soils. The plants grown in these soils will be deficient in minerals. The animals who eat these plants will be deficient. Including us when we eat these plants and/or animals that ate those plants. Even if you take supplements but are consuming foods with high levels of glyphosate (which is most everything, especially if it is not organic/biodynamic), it will bind to these minerals and you’ll just pass them through your bowels and bladder.

     **our soil and therefore our food is deficient in sulfur**

Supply IS therefore an issue. But there is more. First, we need sulfur in our diet, second, we need to be able to metabolize it into a usable form called sulfate. This is oxidized sulfur, meaning it is now attached to oxygen molecules. We need the minerals zinc, molybdenum and iron to do this because we need those to create heme and sulfide oxidase, an enzyme responsible for converting sulfur into sulfate. This enzyme, SUOX, contains a heme group that contains iron. Remember glyphosate chelates or binds to zinc, iron and molybdenum making them unusable for our body. Heme is also responsible for carrying oxygen around the body and to transport or store electrons. So, our ability to properly metabolize sulfur into sulfate is wrecked from all angles because of this toxic chemical.

Thirdly we need to be able to transport sulfate around the body. This is tricky because sulfate is a kosmotrope, meaning it gels liquid. It will turn liquid water into h3o2 water, a gel like form of water. This is not good if we want to transport the sulfate through the blood to another part of the body; we don’t want to overly gel the blood and cause a no flow situation! So our body has a brilliant way to transport sulfate. It does this by binding sulfate to other molecules to “sulfate them.” For example, Vitamin D-sulfate, cholesterol-sulfate, DHEA-sulfate, serotonin-sulfate etc. This allows sulfate to be transported AND it allows all these other important hormones and signaling molecules to be transported, it’s win-win. There are many complex reactions that must take place to get sulfur to a form of sulfate that can then attach or sulfate other molecules. There are special enzymes needed for this and these get ruined by glyphosate. So again, reduce exposure to glyphosate and help your body out by consuming high polyphenol foods like organic berries, turmeric, and the herb holy basil. These foods/herbs help to transport sulfate and I believe this is why there is sooo much evidence that turmeric supplements help with many different ailments like arthritis and joint pain, brain fog , inflammation and cancer. I personally use these Turmeric dual-chamber capsules from doTerra 

➡If you are interested in a wholesale price, reach out and I can get ya hooked up 👍

Did You Know? High cholesterol is a sign you are deficient in sulfate, specifically cholesterol-sulfate so the body has a back up mechanism to transport cholesterol, in LDL particles. So lowering your cholesterol with a statin WILL NOT improve your situation at all – the actual science clearly shows this too; statins have a long list of negative effects and will not increase your life span by one day. The mega marketing powers behind the makers of these drugs will tell you and your doctor otherwise…

Amazingly your creative and intelligent body has come up with many different back up mechanisms to deal with a low sulfate issue. Most of these back up mechanisms we erroneously label as diseases themselves like:

  • Arthritis
  • SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth)
  • Candida infection/overgrowth
  • Chronic inflammation – inflammation is literally a way to create sulfate, albeit with a cost like most compensatory mechanisms
  • High LDL cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • Seizure disorders
  • Cancer

To be clear, I am not saying every case of cancer, arthritis or seizures are due to a sulfate deficiency but I believe many are. Not enough research has been done on the topic of sulfate yet – AND many of these issues are big money makers for the sick care industry so those who fund studies aren’t super inclined to discover the real cause of these issues as that may lead to actual cures…

So how do we correct a sulfate deficiency? Well that is what I am actively working on, a concise, proven method. For now, I’d say some people could make a relatively simple switch to include more high sulfur foods in their diet* while switching to as much organic food as possible to lower glyphosate levels. Adding high quality mineral supplements may be needed. I generally only use/recommend whole food-based supplements like this marine plasma water or this one, the original Quinton. High quality Shilijit, organ meats and seafood, especially oysters are high in bioavailable minerals. Be cautious with taking single minerals like zinc or iron, this can disrupt others like copper. Clean spring water or mineral water is always a great option no matter your goals. Vitamins B1, B6 and B12 as well as magnesium  are all super important for sulfur to work properly in our body.

If you have a sulfur metabolism problem, you may have the following clues:

  • You are allergic to sulfur-based medications
  • You are allergic or sensitive to high sulfur foods (like eggs, garlic, onions, kale)
  • You have hot skin problems; acne, boils, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea
  • You get hot and flushed with one sip of alcohol
  • You have horrible hang overs
  • You have SIBO
  • You have random bloating not linked to any obvious foods
  • Other digestive issues
  • Brain fog
  • Hot flashes
  • Gout or other arthritic joint pain

If this is you, you are going to need to do a sulfur protocol that requires a specific diet and supplements for a short period of time. I cannot give this specific protocol here on this blog but I can recommend a simple test you can do to see if this is something you need – and if it is, reach out and I’m happy to do a free 15 min consultation with you to see if I can help you or refer you to someone who can. I have recently gone through a full protocol myself from Dr Greg Nigh and am assisting clients through it as well.

If you think you have sulfur metabolism issues, try this for one week:

  • Take a HOT Epsom salts bath with 4 cups of magnesium sulfate salts every day for 7 days (Epsom salts = magnesium sulfate) 20 minute soak followed by a cold shower
  • Cut out garlic, onion, eggs and kale for 7 days (beware onion and garlic are hidden in “spices” on labels)
  • Keep a food and symptom log, maybe start one week before the trial and continue tracking during the trial to see if there are any changes
  • Reintroduce those 4 foods one by one, skipping a day in between, over the next week and pay attention to your symptoms
  • Comment below or send me an email with your results, I’m curious to know if this helps you!

Ultimately the goal is to optimize your sulfur metabolism, eat a diet high in sulfur containing foods and low in glyphosate contaminated foods. There is a lot more to this story, including how to detox glyphosate but for now hopefully this was an eye-opening beginning into the hidden epidemic of sulfur deficiency.

As always, I appreciate your thoughts, feel free to leave a comment or share with a friend

*foods high in sulfur:
(not an exhaustive list)

  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Eggs
  • Kale
  • Cabbage
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Leeks
  • Chives
  • Asparagus
  • Pineapple
  • Papaya
  • Cheese
  • Alcohol (beer, cider, wine)
  • Meat and seafood
  • Beans and peas


Additional resources

Note: you can support my work by sharing this blog with a friend, dropping a tip into my PayPal account or by using the affiliate links in my blog above to purchase any of these products. The links provided below are not affiliate links but to podcasts, presentations etc so you can learn more information on each topic:

Quinton marine plasma

Marine Plasma Drinkable Sea Water



Structured Water

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