Health Empowerment!

Helping you optimize your
health and fitness,
naturally & holistically ☯

kettlebell, fitness, crossfit-3293475.jpg
Energy & Mobility
Athletic Performance
Mental Health
Pain Relief
Easing DIS-ease

Hi, I'm Ashley Howatt!

I am a level 2 CHEK* Practitioner and Holistic Lifestyle Coach. I help people empower themselves with optimal health and fitness so they can fully experience life and not be restricted by pain, fatigue, or the symptoms of dis-ease. I offer comprehensive postural and biomechanics assessments, DIY exercise programs, health & lifestyle assessments and programs, private coaching/personal training, small group exercise classes, in person and online workshops, webinars and courses!

  See my Work with Me section for details.
*Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiologist

Howatt's Holistic Health

One on One Training

My Client Success Stories!

As a trainer and as an MMA/Kickboxing fighter I found myself getting re-injured anytime I would start a new training program. I got to a point where I needed a second opinion and I knew Ashley was a great trainer. I've been working with Ashley for over 3 months now and I have never felt better! Not getting injured as regularly as before and not as severe as before in my martial arts practice. I also embraced a new perspective on training not just physical but in mind as well. I feel sharper, more relaxed, more in tune with my body and can see more opportunities when I am training and sparing. Thanks for all your support Ashley and bringing me to the next level!
Athletic Performance client
Ashley is an amazing person, who makes a fantastic personal trainer. She is super personable, extremely nice, and just enough 'drill sergeant' to push you through the work out while keeping your moral high. She is able to adapt to your lifestyle and personal needs; which in turn helps her create the perfect personalized training plan. I would highly recommend her to anyone looking to train, or improve themselves physically.
Vicki P
Personal Training client
I was experiencing the cumulation of years of lower back pain, neck tension and migraine headaches. I was always hesitant to seek help as I was fearful of injury or making my condition worse, as that was my experience with previous exercise. I felt hopeless my situation wouldn't change. I am now happy to share that training with Ashley has made me feel comfortable, safe and inspired to get stronger! I am no longer waking up with neck or head pain! No more lower back or glute pain. I am able to conduct my choirs and play harp and piano with much more comfort, facility and freedom! I feel stronger, more confident, more energetic and optimistic about my health and abilities.
V. Lindsay-Botten
Pain Relief client
Getting in touch with Ashley is probably the best decision I have ever made for myself...My time with Ashley so far has helped me to get some of my life back. I’m no longer afraid to make plans because I don’t know what my back will do that day. I no longer have to sleep with my head and feet elevated in order to ease the pain enough to sleep. I no longer count down the hours until I can take more pain medication. My eating habits have completely changed since I started working with Ashley, and I generally feel so much better for it.
Pain Relief client

Book your free 15 minute clarity call

To see if and how I can help!